Dr. Savitri M Marakatti

Our team is committed to superb patient care, research and education.

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Dr. Savitri M Marakatti


Dr. Mallikarjun Halbavi a pulmonary and critical care medicine physician. She is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive airway diseases, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and care of patients in the Medical ICU. Dr. Bowman is participating in the clinical study for individuals who have difficulty breathing and suffer from severe emphysema.

Dr Bowman is on a Mission to use his knowledge and experience to help the public, bringing them up to date information that impacts their health, and keeping the public informed about the latest developments in Medicine in general and in Pulmology in particular. Dr. Bowman’s research focuses on understanding the determinants of health outcomes in obstructive airway diseases, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

I have interests in all aspects of general pulmology including but not limited to Sarcoidosis, Hypersensitivity disease pneumonitis, Pulmonary fibrosis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and common pulmonology diseases, disorders and syndromes.

Dr. Savitri M Marakatti



Rigid Bronchoscopy

Procedure used to open clogged heart arteries and clean them.


Balloon Bronchoplasty

Procedure used to improve blood flow to your heart.


Bronchial Stent

Procedure used to open arteries in heart and place stent.



Procedure that scars tissue in heart to block blood signals.


Biography details


15 Years – of interest, practice and experience in Dietician.


Present Employment

BHS Lakeview

Dietician – Department

since 2012


BHSC – UAS, Dharwad


All of the personnel I came in contact with, went above and beyond to help me with my medical problems. I am now enjoying a more active lifestyle and no longer feel the discomfort in chest.
Rory Bowers, 67— Bypass surgery

Our Providers

NEUROLOGYPatrick McNeill

Proin non nibh id massa accumsan bibendum in id magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lobortis scelerisque , eget scelerisque nulla fringilla ac.

CARDIOLOGYBarbara Hodgin

Aenean aliquam tincidunt nibh, at sollicitudin orci. Integer sed lacus ex. Suspendisse eu tortor eget felis pellentesque rhoncus quis ut diam. 

PULMOLOGYJeanette Bowman

Integer vel nisl varius, finibus orci et, congue sapien. Fusce congue nunc quis elit eget porta. Magna nisi, varius ut risus in, porta aliquet.


Integer vel nisl varius, finibus orci et, congue sapien. Fusce congue nunc quis elit eget porta. Magna nisi, varius ut risus in, porta aliquet.


Aenean aliquam tincidunt nibh, at sollicitudin orci. Integer sed lacus ex. Suspendisse eu tortor eget felis pellentesque rhoncus quis ut diam. 


Proin non nibh id massa accumsan bibendum in id magna. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris lobortis scelerisque , eget scelerisque nulla fringilla ac.